Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Good for the health benefits of Tomatoes

In the land of England, estimated tomatoes brought by the explorers such as Cortez or Columbus from Peru. Initially, the original Aztec name xitomatl fruit or fruit swirling fat because of alleged poisonous fruit similar to the Belladonna plant. Belladonna Nightshade plants include plants having a black colored fruits and deadly, including the leaves and stems.

Gradually finally trusted tomato plants can be eaten and is technically considered a fruit because it contains the seeds, but some people think of tomatoes as vegetables because the stems, leaves, or roots of plants can also be eaten. Now more than 10 000 varieties available, from the small size of about five millimeters in the named tomatoes until tomatoes Ponderosa Tomberries weighing more than 1.5 kilograms. The colors are also varied yellow, pink, purple, black, red and even white.

Believed to contain rich tomato lycopene, an antioxidant that proved good for the heart and effectively treat prostate, lung and stomach cancer. The most red-colored tomatoes are also believed to contain the highest usefulness. However, some health experts recommend eating cooked tomatoes are better than raw, because cooking process is able to break the cell wall and release the chemicals contained therein


Monday, February 1, 2010

Smart Grocery Shopping Strategies

Grocery shopping is a chore most of us dread. It can be especially frustrating once you get home and realize you forgot to get an item or you neglected to give the clerk your coupon for that great buy one get one for free deal. You organize every other aspect of your life, so focus that organizational discipline towards your grocery shopping efforts as well.

Start by planning your shopping trips. In order to make a list of what you'll need for meals that week, you'll also need to get into the habit of planning your meals out each week. Choose a day of the week to do your shopping and stick to it. If you do your grocery shopping on Wednesdays when the ads break, be sure your menu planning is completed on Tuesday. Once you've completed your menu, you can construct your shopping list.

It's also important to take a current inventory of your pantry and cupboards, and add any staples that are running low. It's easy to forget that you used the last can of mushroom soup in that new recipe you tried, so make sure you have a couple of other cans on hand when you make it again. Keep a shopping list posted to your bulletin board or refrigerator, and be sure each family member knows where it is located. That way they can easily add an item to the list that is almost gone or request a favorite item on the next trip.

There are printable grocery shopping lists on the internet, but you might want to consider devising one of your own and saving it on your computer so it can easily be printed each week. Leave room on your list to flag yourself about which items are listed for sale and which ones you have coupons for. Make sure your coupons are organized and in order and that you have a copy of the current ad in case there are any discrepancies once you get there. Come armed with calculator in hand to avoid suffering from sticker shock at the checkout register.